Monday, April 6, 2009

Pizza - Rain - Big Holes

Hello everyone!

What a week this has been. It has been so chock full of stuff I am trying to figure out how to tell you about it. I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. Hum, Monday after I left you with a crummy email 'cause of the major lack of time we went to Chili's with Rass, Davis, Alex, Carly, and Krissie - Whitney was there too. It was a farewell to Rass. Carly and Krissie put together a most excellent going away package that included a My Little Pony Ring, Razzels, and Office Supplies.

Tuesday was our last District Meeting with Rass it was sad - Sister Short and I wore all black to show our mourning. And before you say it I really only wear all black in the winter - it's too hot to do it in the summer. Then Sister Short challenged Rass to a Pizza Eating Contest. We went to Stevie B's, a pizza buffet, and the challenge was on. Most everyone joined in, I kept score 'cause we all know how I get when I'm not at least moderately careful about the food I put in my body. So to save everyone from the wrath of Kelli I refrained. Most people dropped out between 10 and 15 slices - Short and Eden tied at 18 and Rass won with 19. Poor Eden, he was full after 3 slices but his pride was his down fall. He was sweating profusely and often got in the "Think" pose to try and keep his food down. Short chewed her last bite for a good 20 minutes before she was able to swallow it - I'm very glad I didn't join in. Uhh. Well after that Short and I, still none to happy that Rass was leaving, decided that since Rass is our little brother Short needed a "little Brother's Blessing" as opposed to a fathers blessing. It was actually of comfort and council but it all works out.

On the way to the Elders, (it was pouring rain) I fell in a big hole. Really big - like a man hole but not. It was full of water and I couldn't touch the bottom so I don't know how deep it actually was. Don't worry - Short took pictures so we can all laugh. After I got over the shock I started laughing and was soaking wet for the remainder of the evening till we got home and I could take a hot shower. I have a beautiful bruise blossoming on my shin.

So Wednesday we called Rass one last time to say good bye at 6:30 on the dot 'cause we're mean - we then got ready and President dropped a new Sister off to us at around 8 am - we now have two sets of Sisters serving in Tally. They are in the First Ward, but Sister Short and I still are over the whole Stake. I'm not sure how it is all going to work out but I'm sure it will. The new sisters name is Sister Palmer, she is a Timpview graduate from good old Provo and apparently knows me. I kind of lived in a bubble in High School so I didn't know her. Oops. So we toted Sister Palmer around with us all day while she waited for her trainer to come to Tally. It was fun.

Sister Short and I have both been working on opening our mouths more and have had many people talk with us - all the while it keeps raining. We had a service project to do with the wife of one of the Stake Presidency Counselors tying quilts - we spent a good 4 hours doing that. She gave us Wendy's - it was yummy. All those Family Reunions tying quilts paid off - she was so surprised at how quickly we were able to tie. What can I say? Go team. We met the new Elders - they have potential - we just need to break them in.

Thursday we planned to go the the booth at TCC like always but again it was pouring rain - which isn't that bad - but it was lightning and thundering too. We are advised to be indoors in those conditions. If you have a car you can work around it - but we don't - so we called nearly every member we could trying to find a way so we didn't just sit at our apartment all day. Finally someone told us, "We are on a Tornado and Flash Flood warning till 3 - I am not leaving my house and neither should you." We went back to bed - it was beautiful until we got a little bit of cabin fever - thankfully Friday was clear.

Friday we went to the Friday Forum and to the Ronald McDonald House. Later we had a lesson with Farah - she is a power house of faith - an absolute rock star.

Saturday - Conference was great! We went tracking afterwards and found 2 new investigators - we then helped a member clean her house.

Sunday we again went to Conference - Sunday really spoke to me. I really, really, really miss Temples. Rass gave us a talk called "Free the Birdies" - it's about temples - I highly recommend it.

Today we went bowling as a District - it was good to have the whole District together. We all get along famously - this will be a good bunch of chocolates. Well that's it for me. I love you all.
