Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Christmas everyone!

I just read Presidents letter and he has asked that we wait to make our phone calls after 7. I will call between 8 and 8:30 pm which for you would be 6-6:30 pm. I hope that works. Sorry I didn't know there would be specifications from President.

That's great that Trek is being conditioned to love the University of Utah, not that I'm complaining 'cause I kind of love it too...I love in the Church History CD's that Whitney sent me Utah was considered an insult. Ooops.

Benny (Tasha) and Smithers (Heather) are coming out on Friday to help Amanda pack so I'll get to see them while we get Amanda ready for the wiles of Utah.

Grandma and Grandpa Wilcox sent me a package that I got Saturday that was fun. The little story inside was adorable and made me reminisce to many Christmases past.

We only have two more nights of caroling before we have to go tracting again. Lame. Christmas Eve we are having a little celebration for our investigators that have no where to go for Christmas - we did the shopping today and I hope it will be all kind of good.

Well that's it for me. Love ya'll. Kelli