Wow, it sounds like things have been crazy busy for y'all this last week. TJ's getting married! Oy with the poodles! Taylor's almost 16, I don't think I like this whole growing up without me there to see it. But I'm glad that Whitney and Taylor continue the tradition of going to do fun things together. (They went to St. George for a get away at Gma & Gpa's condo and saw Les Miserables as Whitney's bday present for Taylor). I did get Whitney's DVD, I was highly amused by her dancing and proud of her singing. The Talent Show was a delightful surprise and so Whitney like. (Whitney did an Aretha Franklin & Princess Jasmine imitation both captured on video).
Dad, I loved your idea for my investigator - I feel that will be a very valuable tool for me to use. I made your cookies yesterday! They were very good considering I didn't have an electric mixer to use. I used a giant fork - Honey - I blew up the fork! That joke never gets old. (Whitney said that about the meat fork when she was unloading the silverware out of the dishwasher at about age 5) Anyway, just wanted to let you know that your legendary cookies continue even in Florida.
Last week I got the District into "Free to Choose". They have the opening song memorized and sing along with it. Mission entertainment, watcha gonna do. We're waiting to see if Ben's dad comes back. It's our own soap opera. Dan didn't do the voice on those did he? (These are filmstrips Dan did in high school based on Book of Mormon stories)
Last week I got the District into "Free to Choose". They have the opening song memorized and sing along with it. Mission entertainment, watcha gonna do. We're waiting to see if Ben's dad comes back. It's our own soap opera. Dan didn't do the voice on those did he? (These are filmstrips Dan did in high school based on Book of Mormon stories)
I have started writing down odd/funny things that people say - I will share some of them with you.
"I'm sweating like a whore in church." Elder Call
"Close your mouth, unless you're telling me you love me, then open it." Melanie Parker
"I love you and you love you - there's no one left to love me." Sister Benfield
"In this house we don't Skinny Dip. We Chunky Dip." Sister Benfield
I found these thoroughly amusing. Tuesday was Benny's birthday, after our work day was over we came home and threw confetti all over and it wasn't until after we were done that we realized that the vacuum was broken. We swept a lot of it up, but the floor still looks like a Jackson Pollock painting.
This week we didn't get to teach at all - Amanda is out of town and all our other investigators seemed to fall off the face of the planet. It was very much like my first two weeks here. Lots of walking, talking, great experiences but number wise it looks like we didn't do anything.
I love Dr. Dunn. He is teaching me how to align myself, I'm in and out in a few minutes and he is teaching me how to use pressure points to help alleviate the pain and numbness. The secretary at his office is a hoot - we are buttering her up and plan to give her a Book of Mormon when I'm done. Dr. Dunn has put me on a 3 week plan. I go 3 times a week for 3 weeks and at the end of that, as long as I continue the exercises and aligning myself, I will never have to go to a chiropractor again. I notice a huge difference in my hands. Dr. Dunn says soon I won't have to wear the hand braces to bed anymore. On Wednesday he is going to teach me more on how to adjust myself so when I get transferred I will be OK without a chiropractor in the near area.
Did I tell you we have 3 new Elders here? Well we do. Tab (a member) took us all out for ice cream on Benny's B-day and then yesterday we found a sewer tunnel that we all had to sit in and get pictures. There was a frog outside our apartment last night, we haven't seen any fireflies - lots of dragonflies and lizards and a never ending stream of love bugs. Those things are ugly!
Thank you so much for contacting the Wilson's for me - I've been worried about that.
I think that's everything, sorry if I forgot anything. I love you all and thanks for keeping me updated. The church is true, the book is blue, write Kelli letters and have a nice day.
Sister Kelli Wilcox