Hello everyone! How are you? Me, I'm doing great, I'm working hard and learning so much. I'm asking questions I never thought to ask and I'm finding the answers. Before I get started, I need to ask my mommy for a few things: Things I forgot: Towels! They were in the dryer and I didn't pack them, Sister Hartman has let me use one of hers, but I want mine! I also want a sweatshirt-it's cold out! I think it's on the floor in my closet.
Things not to send me in Florida: Don't send all those books I thought I wanted. 1) I don't have time 2) It's against the rules 3) I bought all the approved reading material and it is so much better than anything I have. Jesus the Christ by Talmage - WOW. I'm only on the 3rd chapter, but I am simply awed.
Things I still want: I still want the ASL Sign Book, I think it will be very helpful. It's on top of my movie shelves.
What I've been up to: Well, I barely have time to breath, I'm so busy! It was hard the first 3 days, but by Saturday I had hit a rhythm and I'm doing great. One disclaimer, this system does not have a spell check and I have difficulties spelling so I'm sorry if you don't know what I'm trying to say. I have a great District - 4 Elders and 4 Sisters. All the Elders are going to Tallahassee as well. My companion, Sister Heartman is going there too. The other two Sisters Brinkerhoff and Stagg are going to Nauvoo. How cool would that be? I'm going to make copies of my journal to send home because we have a 20 minute time limit on the computer so I'll send all the details I have later today. It's hard to record what is going on here, we sit and learn for hours, it's impossible to record that. Sunday we had Barbara Thompson come speak to us, it was very good. We weren't sure if she is the new General Relief Society President or in the presidency, do you know?
You know that scripture that says every time you bear your testimony your sins are forgiven? I get to bear my testimony so much that I hardly have time to sin! We also pray all the time, I've always thought that I had a prayer in my heart, but here we pray continually. Yesterday I counted 12 times! I kind of love it.
The Elders aren't at all like I thought they would be. They are hard workers and it's fun, I'm getting so spoiled! All the Elders stand when a sister enters the room - I haven't opened a door for myself since I got here - and the Elders part like the Red Sea in the halls when sisters go by. I'll never accept a normal man again.
Fun antidote about our Elders: The sisters had left the classroom to go do personal study but we left the door open and heard the Elders say how glad they were that we were gone 'cause they could finally pass gas! Anyway, I only have a few minutes left, but I'll write letters and give you more info. Expect that on Thursday or Friday. I love you all! Sister Wilcox
Kelli's email address at the MTC is: kelli.a.wilcox@myldsmail.net