Saturday, April 26, 2008

MTC - Day 18 - April 26, 2008 - Journal Entry

I forgot to mention something about yesterday. At the RC we have a white board where we put peoples names up who have agreed to have missionaries come over and we pray for them. We were trained by a different teacher to do this so Brother Lovejoy didn't know why we were writing names on the board and for fun we wrote his name too! Unfortunately, Brother Lovejoy has terrible handwriting and what was supposed to be Bro. Lovejoy look like Bizo Lovejoy. Elder Hall was praying and running through the first names on our list, "Please bless Biza Lovejoy", after saying Lovejoy he knew what happened and lost reverence and busted up laughing ending with a quick amen.

We are crazy missionaries - up to all sorts of high jinks. OK today Sister Hartman and I went over and over and over Lesson Three. We taught trees, bricks and a few people. We went to the TEC and our teacher Brother Wrigley was able to communicate to us what other instructors tried to tell us but we failed to understand. Don't memorize what "Preach My Gospel" says, read it, learn it and say it in your own words. Then we practiced again.

Brother Lovejoy, or Biza as he is better known, had a great activity for us today. He took us to 1M where there are photos and paintings of missionaries, gospel stories and prophets everywhere. We took about 1/2 hour to walk up and down looking at photos - it was a testimony of faith. We got together and shared some of our favorites. Mine was of a young black girl with an older gentleman sitting on a bench laughing together. I plan to take a picture of that picture. Which reminds me - I can't find my camera. Lost and found won't open till morning and I think I misplaced it Thursday. I'll find it in the end.

Friday, April 25, 2008

MTC - Day 17 - April 25, 2008 - Journal Entry

We finished reading Lesson Three and practiced it until I was sick of it. Tomorrow we go to the TEC to get advice on how to improve.

Mom sent another huge stack of letters today of emails from friends and family about my mission. It was fun to read through those particularly Uncle Wards story from Heber J. Grant. Oh, and also the photo of Doug, Carol and Eli. Cute!

We had our last experience at the RC. Can you hear the Hallelujah Chorus? 'Cause I sure can! I signed up to get my hair trimmed. I've started picking at my split ends, well they aren't really split ends, but they have a weak point on them and are easy to pull. Bad habits die hard man.

I've had the Sound of Music running through my head all day and singing hymns does not help. All in all a good day.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

MTC - Day 16 - April 24, 2008 - Journal Entry

Mom takes such good care of me. Yesterday she sent 12 envelopes each with individual letters, pictures and print-outs of my blog. Today she sent 16 envelopes with the New Era's Extra Smile Cartoons. I shared them with the district, we all got a much needed laugh from them. Brother Weaver left us yesterday and we have a new teacher - Sister Butler - she's a good teacher.

At lunch we shared silly things we'd done as kids. I told Whitney's story of trying to make a swimming pool in the kitchen and the story of the make-up ghost. Then we moved to injuries - Elders are crazy! I didn't have many injuries to share, but I had pain ie: ovarian cysts, kidney stones, and gall stones. Bed time.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Letter - April 23, 2008

Thank you so much! Not only am I winning the "Who's Family Loves Them The Most Contest", but I also made others jealous. Yes we are flying Delta. I didn't forget Dad - I don't have the right email address and I didn't have time to add it to my email. The email I sent him last week was sent back to me so I didn't try again this week. It takes time to put those addresses in the box thing. The system won't let us make an address book to click on names.

I can't believe you are typing up my journal! First I'm amazed you can read it 'cause a lot of it is written by flash light. You're awesome Mom. I didn't see Mike Woffinden yesterday - he had already left by the time our session was done - but I left the temple bag and a note for him in his office.

Sister Stagg is my dictionary - she spells a lot of words for me for which I am grateful. I asked Dad about his knee and back, but he didn't bring it up. How is he doing?

Mom - I am glad your toe is doing better, it looks a lot prettier than last time I saw it. You are the only Mom that would send me a picture like that which is why I love you. I'll write again soon. Lots of love, Sis Kelli Wilcox

MTC - Day 15 - April 23, 2008 - Journal Entry

Another day ... Brother Weaver gave his last lesson today, we get a new chick tomorrow. It was really sad knowing we won't see him again. I barely know him, but he is such a great teacher. I wanted a hug, but Sister/Brother handshakes had to do. Brother Weaver is the kind of guy I would want to marry. It gives me hope -- if there's one -- there must be another.

Sister Hartman and I spent about an hour trying to get her a doctors appointment and we still don't know if she got in, she's on a waiting list.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

MTC - Day 14 - April 22, 2008 - Journal Entry

I love P-days. Got up, did laundry, and read Jesus the Christ. It is an amazing and deep book. I learned seven things in one paragraph. After a morning of thinking deep thoughts, we folded laundry, made ourselves pretty and went to email. I printed off my letters, signed off, read my letters, composed a response on paper, signed back on and typed as fast as I could. I made dozens of mistakes - one of which was forgetting to send it to mom. Luckily I still had a few minutes left and was able to find the draft and send it to her. I also got to add a more personal note for her, which was really nice - but sad too. I miss talking to her!

I made my last trip to the temple for a while - it was bitter sweet. What an incredible spirit and just knowing all the things I've learned and wondering about the new things I still need to learn. I have such an amazing testimony of our Heavenly Fathers plan of happiness and the joy that is available to us here on earth.

Looking at gospel principles with child-like simplicity gives such amazingly, deep connotations. In Lesson One we teach God is our loving Heavenly Father. It's beautiful - such sublime simplicity. I love it!

After the session, I went down to Mike Woffinden's office to drop of my temple clothes. Unfortunately he wasn't there, I wrote a brief note thanking him and headed back.

Sister Hartman and I had companion study, we talked about what we've learned and ways to improve our teaching.

We had a fireside last night - Gerald Lund (Work & Glory dude) spoke. It was an amazing talk about the Miracles of the Book of Mormon. I'm going to put some of my notes in here so I don't forget some of the things I learned.

Miracles of the Book of Mormon
Coming Forth -
All we have from Joseph Smith was written by scribes. His spelling was awful and his grammar was worse. He read us a letter Joseph Smith had written Emma and spelled some of the words for us - one of the words was "mutch".

We discussed how studies about the Mayans and Aztecs didn't begin till years after the publication of the Book of Mormon
  • It's a record of actual people in a real place - no Hobbits
  • Light enough to carry
  • Written on gold
  • Came from the same culture as those from the Bible
These points were about the Joseph Smith story before the publication - taking the place of devils advocate. Lund said: "Good guess Joseph."

Lund gave some fascinating facts about gold:
  • Most ductile (drawn-out) malleable (shaped)
  • One ounce of gold can be drawn into a string a mile long
  • Gold the size of a sugar cube can be beat into a 50 foot sheet
  • Light and easily workable
  • Won't rust, stain, or decay even after centuries underground
Then we moved on to the actual translation of The Book of Mormon:
  • Completed in 85 days
  • With travel and Sundays - more like 60 days
  • Average of 9 pages per day
Lund commented, "Good books are not written, but re-written and re-written and re-written."

Lund talked about the need to keep things consistent with the history and the culture of the place you are writing about.
He wrote a book based in Saudi Arabia. His character went to a vending machine and got a Coke - months later he received a letter saying, "Elder Lund, I enjoyed your book, but you should know Coke sells to Iraq so Saudi Arabia only buys Pepsi products as a result.
Later, while writing "The Work & The Glory" he had one of his characters say OK, he looked it up and found that word didn't come into use until nearly 60 years later.
There are mistakes in the Book of Mormon
  • Mosiah 7:8 permitted, or rather commanded
  • Alma 50:32 Bountiful, or rather Moroni
  • There are 12 "or rathers" in The Book of Mormon
English - compound subject "My brother and I"
Hebrew culture "I and my brothers" (Nephi)

"Word printing" computer program that identifies different authors by using placement of AND & THE. Put Book of Mormon through this program, it doesn't fit with any writings of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, or any of the other witness. Further proof that the Book of Mormon was written by many different authors.

Witness of Christ
400 pages are Doctrine
100 pages are History
Book of Mormon teaches the gospel of Jesus Christ, not a history of people.
There are 6,607 verses in the Book of Mormon - 3,625 of these refer to Christ.
Susan Easton Black counted and found 101 different titles and names for Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon alone.
1 in 9 references to Christ in the Book of Mormon per verse
1 in 7 references to Christ in Bible per verse

Doctrine & Power to Change Lives
Joseph Smith said:
"Book of Mormon brings people nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than any other book."
It has the power to change lives.
He shared a story about two Elders who were tracting in Chicago down by the waterfront. They knocked on a door - a dirty disgusting woman opened the door, the house stunk of tobacco, alcohol and various drugs. The Elders said the stench nearly knocked them down. They handed her a Book of Mormon, asked her to read it and they would come back to pick it up (at this point in time missionaries bought their own Book of Mormons). Several weeks passed, finally they returned to her home, they knocked, the door flew open, the woman was clean and her home smelled nice. She demanded of them "Where have you been? I want to join your church." She told them that she started reading the Book of Mormon and read it all the way through in a day. That day she quit smoking. They hadn't come back so she read it again, about 1/2 way through the 2nd time she quit drinking alcohol, by the time she finished it all the way through the 2nd time she gave up drugs. The missionaries still didn't come back so she went through it a 3rd time, this time looking up all the cross references in the Bible.

The Book of Mormon has the power to change lives!


E-mail - April 22, 2008

Thank you all so much for your letters! I certainly wouldn't object to more! Rachel and Nat, thanks for your notes - Nat I was amazed at the details of your card. It made me smile.

Question: In class the other day we were talking about mortality vs. immortality
Mortals: Flesh/Blood - Immortals: Flesh/Bone which got me thinking about a Buffy quote. Season 5 - Spikes talking about blood, it's always got to be blood. Can someone find me that quote and let me know what it is? I'm amazed at how much truth we find in random things here on earth. So many things that are myths, but have huge truths behind them!

Grandma - I'm so sorry about Edith Ann. That must have been so hard for you. But don't worry, she'll be taken care of.

Taylor - Congrats! Send me a picture of you and your blanket! Thank Ashley for the weather report - I look forward to it. Really - it's freezing here!

I leave the MTC April 29 - Our plane leaves at 7:10 am - we have to be on the bus and ready to go at 4 am. To quote Whitney, "The butt crack of dawn". We arrive in Atlanta at 12:46 and have a two hour layover. We are allowed to call home during that layover, so expect a call around 1-ish. I'm not sure what the time differences are, I'm going by the schedule the MTC gave me. We leave Atlanta at 2:55 and arrive in Tallahassee at 4:01.

Dad - I'm glad you're OK with your release, I was worried about that. I showed the sisters your picture and they agree that you look like Steve Carroll. How's your leg and back? You feeling OK? Know that I pray for you. Love you lots!

Mommy! I loved reading your insights on the Holy Ghost. We're teaching about the God Head and knowing that helps immensely. In my journal I wrote an awesome thing about the Godhead, I can't wait for you to read it and look up all the scriptures. You'll be amazed.

I'm dropping off my temple clothes and journal entries today with Mike Woffinden. I love letters, they make my day, so send lots - I'm losing the who is loved most contest with my district. (Love is measured my mail).

Whitney - Good luck with your last finals and have a great time on your cruise! Send me pics and regale me with stories. Remember you promised not to get married - so don't fall in love with the towel boy!

Jerri and Lalani - Sorry I missed you last week. I forgot the note that had your emails on it and I had to have mom send it to me. How is Jared? I showed all the sisters his picture and they agree that he is the most handsome boy waiting for any missionary. I hope everything is well with you.

Once again sorry for any misspellings, but I'm typing fast and have no spell check. I love you all so much and pray for you always. The Church is True, The Book is Blue, Write Kelli Letters, and have a nice day. Sis. Kelli Wilcox

Monday, April 21, 2008

MTC - Day 13 - April 21, 2008 - Journal Entry

Woo! Sister Hartman and I beat the Elders to class today. The first time in the two weeks we've been here. I was very proud!

It's now 10 p.m. on the 22nd. I don't really remember what happened yesterday. We had a health and safety meeting mostly about not doing stupid things. Then the instructor excused the Elders and had the Sisters stay. We talked about girl things - I had flashbacks to working with Rex. I struggled not to laugh through the rest of the meeting.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Letter - April 20, 2008

Parental Units - Did you have fun in St. George? Thank you for keeping up the blog - I'd love a printed version of it if possible. Did you get the last letter I sent? I never got a response to it. Did stamps go up? I figure I'll go get a roll of 1 cent stamps to compensate. The towels do look pretty bad but until they get holes in them, they'll do fine. Is the basket cute? Does it match? Will everyone think I'm adorable?

I know I said this in the last letter, but I'm losing the competition of who is loved most - send more letters! Even a joke is all kinds of good. I'll write more Tuesday. I love you both so much! Kelli (Sis Wilcox)

P.S. Have you read James E. Talmage's book "Jesus The Christ"? I'm only on Chapter 3 and I'm obsessed - He talks about the Savior in ways I've only recently come to understand. I love it! If you haven't read it do so now. Church is true, book is blue, write Kelli letters and have a nice day.

MTC - Day 12 - April 20, 2008 - Journal Entry

I had the weirdest dream last night. Rachel, Tim and I were shopping at Target. Rachel and I had the cart and were wandering and Tim would pop up every now and then and add something to our cart. But the odd thing was that Tim had this group of families surrounding him, they were yelling and taking pictures. The whole time I'm dreaming this I've got the second lesson playing over and over like background music. Very strange.

We had a guest speaker for RS, she talked on Repentance and I got several excellent scriptures I can use for Lesson Two. For Sacrament Meeting we all prepared a 5 minute talk and the randomly called two people to talk when the meeting opens. During the passing of the sacrament Sis Hartman leans over and whispers, "As soon as this is over I need to go to the restroom". The Elders go to sit down and we pop out of our seats to make a dash to the restroom and we hear "Sister Hartman where are you running off to? We have you speaking today". Well we promised to be right back and Sister Hartman gave an excellent talk. Our Second Counselor took up the rest of the time, I struggled to stay awake - he was talking about the Great Apostasy. What he had to say was interesting, but he wasn't able to present it in a way that was interesting - no DaVinci Code talk!

We watched the Joseph Smith movie that is currently playing at the visitors center - it was incredible! The power, the suffering, the faith and awesomeness of our prophet! For those reading this, if you have not seen it, I say unto you - get thee to the visitors center!

If felt the power of Joseph when in jail he commanded in the name of our Savior to "cease their evil speaking" and then turning to the men imprisoned with him and telling them that all men are loved by the Savior and Father. It makes days like yesterday not only easy, but totally worth it. Our purpose is to bring people to Christ and He loves us all.