Saturday, May 24, 2008

E-mail - May 24, 2008

Hey - I will have some pictures in about 2 weeks, but not of the MTC. Before Sister Smith leaves for home we're going to make a trip to the grocery store and print off a bunch of pictures from here.

It's been a busy week but disappointing too. We had lots of appointments for lessons and every single one got canceled. Often we found that what we did instead was better, still I'm a little sad that I haven't been able to teach a real lesson yet. Just mini ones on the street. We met one girls who was being preached to very loudly by a very confused young man. He had mixed up the Old and New Testament and the Koran and had some crazy ideas. Sister Smith said that there are a lot of people like that in Alabama, we gave the girl, Keyon, a Book of Mormon and got her phone number - we'll call her next week to set up an appointment. We had Zone Conference yesterday, it was very spiritually uplifting and it wasn't until after it was over that I thought about asking about ways to improve contacting. We (Benfield, Smith and I) all struggle contacting. I've been tracting and that's a lot easier than contacting. We're out there pounding the pavement and people won't make eye contact with us. We stop people and ask about their clothes, jewelry and what not and then awkwardly transition into a message and invitation to come to an activity or church. Do you have any suggestions? It was still a good week and we had an amazing spirit when we did manage to get around the awkwardness and share a message. At Zone Conference someone quoted J. Golden Kimball, "The only way to get baptisms in the south is to wait for them to die and then do baptisms for the dead." Sometimes it feels like that.

We have one investigator, Amanda, she is - to quote Benfield - "Golden". She came to church one Sunday and a recent RM was giving his homecoming talk. After the meeting was over she turned around and said, "I want to go on a mission, I probably have to get baptized first though". We still have two more lessons to give her but she is ready and she loves the gospel and is eager to learn more.

That's me - if you have any advise or suggestions on how to approach, contact or talk to people I'd love to hear it. Love, Kelli

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