Monday, June 16, 2008

E-mail - June 16, 2008

Hello All,

I'm glad you got the card, I worried I had sent it too late. I hope you know how much I love you, it is impossible to express in words. Thank you for the pictures, they totally worked - I think Samuel and Benjamin grew again. Where is that rock that Grandma Wilcox always threatened us with? I demand a rock be placed on their heads so they stop growing! And Whitney, your dress is adorable!

I went to the Chiropractor today, he just did x-rays - I go again tomorrow to get adjusted. He dresses like a Hawaiian but is very much the southern gentleman. I'm excited to once again be pain free.

Yesterday we had 3 investigators promise to come to church - none of them showed but Lauren (a ward member) had invited two friends so we got to talk with them. So we had highs and lows. The Sacrament talks were all about fathers and I decided that it is beyond lame that we can call home on Mother's Day and not Father's Day - they both raised us.

Anyway, we have a lesson later today - please keep us in your prayers. This girl has been investigating the church for nearly a year and will not commit to baptism, we don't know why. Pray for her, and for us so we can help her find her way.

That's me - keep writing - it makes me happy to hear from y'all. Love, Kelli

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