Monday, May 11, 2009


It's funny how I keep not re-learning but remembering things I know to be true. One of the favorite questions for missionaries to ask each other is, "Who were you before the mission?" My answer is usually along the lines of Anti-Social goth chick. I am no longer trapped by that person. The prison that we create for ourselves are formed on old beliefs that we "know" we can't change. The knowledge that we don't have to be that person is the beginning of freedom. Some think gratitude is the way I also think that repentance would be another one. I've been learning a lot about repentance and I'm finding what a miraculous gift that is. Repentance means simply to change. And when we express gratitude our perception changes or we repent and get a new start. Repentance has so much negative connotation associated with it and I find it to be one of the greatest blessings I could be given.

Any way how's that for a ramble?

So I was all excited about moving and having four Sisters together shake things up a bit but alas. President never called and Sister Short and I are still together with out even a new apartment - same old same old.

Well I told you about my week, we helped Tanya and Krissie move. Friday we went on campus there weren't many people there but I met up with 2 girls, Kelly and Christine - I pretty much gave them a watered down 1st lesson and after relating the 1st Vision Christine said she got goose bumps I told her it was the Spirit and she brushed it off saying she always gets em - but I knew better. Christine said she was happy being an uniformed Catholic but Kelly gave me her number I'll be calling her sometime this week. Yippie. Then we were at the Ronald McDonald House. Saturday we met with Farah and had a great lesson and answered a lot of her questions before heading home to work on our amazing Member Book. Sunday was a long day of church waiting to talk to y'all. That was my week. Hopefully this one will be better.

Love you! Kelli

1 comment:

Unknown said...

missing your updates