Monday, July 7, 2008

E-mail - July 7, 2008

Amanda's Baptism was wonderful. Another ward had scheduled a baptism for the same time, we just started late and it all worked out fine. Sister Bowcut gave a talk on Baptism and the Holy Ghost. She had us sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", and then compared the Spider to Sin, the Rain to Baptism, and The Sun the Holy Ghost. It was lots of fun and the spirit was so strong. Elder Call Baptized her and Benny and I raced to the dressing room after it was over and we all hugged and cried together. It was a wonderful experience.

She was confirmed Sunday and just a few hours after her confirmation we had her out with us teaching new investigators. She has such a strong testimony and she was not afraid to speak up. Amanda had only had one lesson with Sister Benfield and Bardson before I got there. She was a self referral and looking for religion - She found it!

Taylor goes on her first date, what is with that? I really don't like the whole growing up without me there to see it thing. Oy! Side note - I just had the worlds most amazing stuffed mushrooms. I have never had anything so wonderful in my mouth. I have tasted Celestial food and Terrestial will never suffice again.

I love you lots - Kelli

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