Monday, August 4, 2008

E-mail - August 4, 2008

The ward I am serving in - by the end of this month will have had 14 weddings this summer. Oy with the poodles!

I had the best day yesterday, we went to Mass with one of our investigators and that was interesting if nothing else. They had a baptism going on too. They don't sprinkle - they put your head over a basin and pour 3 cups full of water over you representing The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I got to chant. I felt like I was in the The Sound of Music. After that we taught a lesson to a 10 year old girl. Her name is Mileena. She is so smart. She was asking questions about the Godhead and how Christ was both the Son of God and the Son of Mary. We did the first lesson and had a bunch of cups with different things that Christ's church had when he was on earth - then with the Great Apostasy we smashed the church and then with the restoration we built it back up again. Tomorrow we are going to play "The Plan of Salvations" it's like the game of life but at the end we go to the Celestial Kingdom and get a Burger King Crown.

Keep me updated - Love - Kelli

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