Saturday, August 9, 2008

E-mail - August 9, 2008

This week for me has been a little crazy. We moved on Tuesday and we're all sorts of excited about that. We are in a duplex that is really quiet which we love. The Elders helped us move and managed to break most of our furniture in the process - but it's OK - they had tape and they fixed it all up for us.

Update on Janelle - who is amazing - she had a lesson with the Elders and one of them started to bare his testimony and she stopped him in the middle of it and said, "You don't need to tell me this is Christ's Church, I already know!" Can you say amazing? Her husband is coming to the next lesson. I will keep you updated on the situation.

I had my first experience with the spirit practically yelling at me to talk to someone. We were up by the Library on campus and I felt/thought I should go up to the fountain. It was almost dinner time and I was ready to go so I thought - "Kelli you're being stupid - time to go." As we continued walking the feeling got stronger and stronger - it was the strangest thing I've ever felt in my entire life. So I drug everyone up to the fountain and I'm standing there going - "OK I'm here - now what?" I talked briefly to a girl reading Eclipse and figured it must have been an obedience lesson until Elder Call telephoned later that night and said that he had talked to this girl who said that she had just met some Mormon Missionaries and she gave him her name and phone number - so who knows. Maybe she wouldn't have if I hadn't gone up there. Mysteries of the world.

We went to FSU graduation this morning - it was long and boring but we were supporting Melanie and Casey. Anyway - I've have to go - I love you - Love Kelli

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