Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Our chat was all kinds of fun. (Mom here - Kelli and I were on line at the same time and chatted back and forth for about an hour on Saturday - it was very fun!) I love being able to bounce ideas off you and hear what you have to say about them. I did that lots when I was driving around with Jared. I'd think of something strange and call you or dad to see what you thought and to see if you could add something to it. I love that.

My neck is better it's still big but no longer noticeably so - unless you are me and are overly critical about my appearance.

I'm so jealous of the snow. We are on our bikes today and were sweating up a storm I wouldn't be opposed to some white fluffy goodness. It's still gets cold here but it's a wet cold that gets into your bones and doesn't go away no matter how many layers you have on.

There really isn't anything that I need - lots of stuff I want but it is useless to me on the mission. I am very excited for ya'll to get the Christmas presents I got you. I'm especially proud of the wrapping paper.

I'm glad to hear you made it in the Moab 1/2 Marathon dad - good luck - I'm all for you walking if you need to.

(Mom again - in our chat Kelli mentioned the trials she has experienced - I asked her about them - she said:) Mom, my mission is a trial in and of itself. It has tested my patience, diligence, charity, knowledge, hope, faith... the list goes on - if there is a way to stretch me or ask me to change it has been presented in one form or another. My mission has and will change me and the way that I live my life. Like President said - the Master is slowly breaking me in and he's doing it in ways that ensure I listen to Him. I cringe a little at the thought of how much farther I have to go. I'm still not the woman He needs me to be - someday I'll get there.

Anyway that's about it. We went caroling yesterday - we ran into a very drunk/high guy who wanted to sing with us - that was interesting.

Gotta go. Love ya'll. Kelli

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