Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 28 - May 7, 2008 - Journal Entry

Sister Smith woke up sick. We stayed in till 2:30, then we went to the Ronald McDonald House. I got to sweep and hose down the front and back porch. I had a great time.

Melanie was with us, we were able to talk with her while cleaning. After that we went back to the Institute and I watched "The Restoration" and "Finding Faith in Christ", the theory behind this is that when I recommend them to people I can honestly say that I've seen them. I like them.

It was strange watching those movies, if you look at them very analytically they are terrible, the acting and cinematography are bad and boring. But the spirit is so strong you are touched and my brain knows that it's really cheesy and stagnant, but my heart is happy and doing flips of joy - telling me it's the best movie ever. Yea for the spirit.

Oh, today I found out that Sister Smith loves Firefly and Serenity. She's not a Browncoat, but she knows all about it and loves it.

We jumped on the beds while singing High School Musical "Soaring" oops, I mean "Breaking Free". It's awesome - I recommend it to everyone. Till tomorrow.

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