Monday, April 14, 2008

MTC - Day 6 - April 14, 2008 - Journal Entry

I feel like I've hit my stride. I was mostly familiar with the routine which is odd because we did two things I'd never done before. We taught the first lesson to some volunteers today, we did really well and the volunteers asked some great questions particularly about the Holy Ghost. It was hard to explain the feeling but we shared Gel 5:22-23 to help. The hardest question we got was after we talked about receiving personal revelation we were asked why we needed a latter-day Prophet when we could receive personal revelation. S. Hartman and I said that most people didn't have that kind of faith and it wasn't until after we left the room that we remembered the Key of Authority. Oh well, we'll know next time.

Today we also got to go to the Referral Center. That was scary! I got yelled at once, but I got to answer a lot of questions too, so....I don't know. I'm not looking forward to doing that again.

All in all a good day.

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