Wednesday, April 16, 2008

MTC - Day 8 - April 16, 2008 - Journal Entry

It's been one week - it only feels like a few days. We had RC again today - I strongly dislike that place. But Sis Brinkerhoff had an amazing conversation with someone and practically taught the first and second lessons over the phone - it was great to listen to. Elder Burnam got someone who just wanted to argue, but he did a good job at keeping calm and staving off a fight. I do like inbound calls, I got to talk to an awesome woman - her kids are all grown up and I think she's a little lonely, we talked for a while and I had the opportunity to bear my testimony and get a feel of how easy it is to love someone you've never met.

We had gym after RC - I'm still sore. Sis Hartman and I were able to teach the first lesson to a teacher (TEC) and get some great advice on how to teach better. Bro Lovejoy gave an amazing lesson on the Godhead that shows how they are one and yet separate at the same time.

..Father......................Son.....................Holy Ghost...........Me/You

1-Man.....................1- Earth..................1- Power.............. 1- Multiply
(2 Ne 29:7)............(D&C 14:9)............(D&C 29:30-31).......(Gen 1:28)

2- Sent Son............2- Atonement......2- Baptism by Fire...2-Salt of Earth
(D&C 49:5).............(Mormon 9:15)..........(2 Ne 31:17)....(D&C 101:39-40)

3- Prayer................3- 2nd Comforter..3- Comforter........3- Comfort
(Matt 7:74)............(John 14:18-20)......(John 14:26).....(Mosiah 18:9)

OK, this is how God the Father, His Son, and the Holy Ghost are one -yet separate and how we can be/have been one with them. We are all together but separate. I didn't know what a 2nd Comforter is and had Bro. Lovejoy explain it: First read John 14. The basic bare bones definition is: a witness, a personal visitation of Jesus Christ to teach, instruct, and prepare you to meet God. How cool is that?

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