Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Letter - April 30, 2008 from President & Sister Summerhays

Dear Brother and Sister Michael Wilcox,

We welcomed your daughter last night to the Florida, Tallahassee Mission. We shook her hand, looked into her eyes and a feeling of love and gratitude filled our hearts. She is a wonderful young woman who radiates strength and goodness. We later talked together privately about her desire to serve faithfully. She has a strong desire to honor you and her God by her valiant service.

President Faust called us to serve as Mission President. In that call he testified that the greatest measure of our success would be the individual faithfulness of our missionaries 20 years after their missionary service. Our strong desire is to see that Sister Wilcox learns, loves and serves in such a manner that 20 years from now we will all be inspired by the beauty of her life.

We express our love to you and make a specific request that your prayers might periodically include a request that we will be given specific insight that will enable us to teach, train, lead, love and inspire your special daughter to be all that God knows she can become. We know He will answer such pleading prayers of faith filled parents.

Thank you for your faith and prayers.

With Sincere Affection, President Lynn Summerhays and Sister Ann Summerhays

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My nose is all red because I had major allergies and no medicine, I was a snotty mess for about two days before I got some Calritin.