Sunday, April 27, 2008

MTC - Day 19 - April 27, 2008 - Journal Entry

Sister Hartman and I spent about 1/2 hour this morning looking for my camera, I think I left it in the RC. I checked the lost and found and they recommended checking the mail room lost and found and in the main office lost and found. I'll look again tomorrow.

Relief Society Notes: Speaker General YW President Elaine S. Dalton

Proverbs 3:5-6 Favorite Scripture and Motto
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart...
as you trust Him, he will take you places you can't imagine
We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us and we love Him.
Don't look back. Move forward.
When you are in the middle of a hill, it is not the time to decide to turn back. Wait till you get to the top.
Sister Dibb: President Monson's daughter bore witness of her Father as Prophet
Come to know that Heavenly Father loves you.

Today I know because:
A daily journal keeping record of how you know that Heavenly Father loves you
How to invite the spirit: Love, repent, smile, forgive, pray (more than I ever have in my whole life) language - ie: guys, dude. Study and reflect: How do I apply it? Diligence, obedience. Forget self, stop praying for self. Pray for others. Spirit will use you better than you can yourself. Music: Ether 1:

What would the Savior have me do today? When told what to do ACT!

Are you happy? Well tell your face (smile)

Learn to love hills - you will spend most of your mission on hills - enjoy the top for a while before starting up the next hill.

Life is difficult, but we have the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are NOW the Lord's missionaries - bring the world His truth.

Awesome meeting, very powerful. We sang "Armies of Helaman" and they changed the words a little - see note above. Tear jerker, I barely made it through the song. After we stood in line to meet Sister Dalton - very warm and genuine person. Favorite quote "It's the MTC - I can read from the phone book and the spirit will be so thick you could cut it."

Walked to the temple, took pictures, had a lot of meetings one of which was a departure meeting announcing where all missionaries were going, how many, and had them stand - it was cool. After that we had evening devotional. Sister Hartman and I came back to pack for our "first transfer". We got a lot done. We'll do laundry tomorrow and finish up. I'm alternating between excited, scared, nervous, anxious and excited. I'm such a girl. I hope I find my camera! Night.

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