Saturday, May 3, 2008

Day 24 - May 3, 2008 - Journal Entry

Dude I freakin' got to ride a horse today!

Okay, let me back up - Stacy Fras... was baptized today. We had about 3 hours of preparation time - we walked to campus to email and guess what? No blinking light! President asks we don't spend all day emailing, but until it starts getting abused we have no time limit. We had a fun meeting before the baptism - I learned how to break into the church library with a credit card. The baptism was very special and the movie went well. I choose not to watch the calf get dragged under water 'cause I'm a little squeamish, but it was wonderful. We all got a ride out to "The Barn" where Stacy lives and we cleaned out all the spider webs - it was icky. Later I found spider eggs in my hair - Ewww!

But the good part of this is that I got to meet Teancum. Teancum is a beautiful and steady horse. I fed him horse treats - he is sweet and gentle. We called President and got permission to ride him. He's huge! I had a great time.

When we got home we moved all our beds into the living room area and line danced in our bedroom. I'm not so good at it, but I'll get better. We also worked on writing a tablet for "The Creation Sisterhood". The Elders started it and we asked if we could have a branch of it for women - like the Masons. We are preparing proper clothing (Romans 12:1), initiation (Proverbs 14:1), we're still working on our role, but we know what is expected from the Elders (Proverbs 4:6-9). There's a secret handshake as well, but I can't write it here - I have been sworn to secrecy.

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